Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dream Police: Get out, Russell Brand

I was at work and this woman came up to the counter with an infant in one of those cheap strollers you would expect a little kid to push a doll around in. While she's putting everything on the counter in front of me, the baby falls forward out of the stroller and bashes it's head on the floor. The woman started flipping out, trying to blame her baby falling on me somehow, so I just scooped it up into my arms and checked out it's head. It had a little flat spot on the front, but it seemed fine, so I rang her through and she left.

Later on in the night, Russell Brand came in to hear about our ereaders. I went through the whole selling schpeal and convinced him to buy one. I rang him through and took his money, then went into the back room to get his reader, when I realized that we'd been sold out for about a week. I had to come back out and explain the situation to him, and he was so upset, he actually started crying. I think he's totally gross, so seeing him cry was hilarious.

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